Want to know the average cost of building a website in Navi Mumbai ?
This module will provide you an accurate idea of expenses that might cost in various services of web building processes that are Web Designing and Web Development stages.Following are the expenses and services that are accepted all over India with some variations:
1. Web Domain Cost
For any website one has to first acquire an effective Domain name by a Domain registrar like Google, GoDaddy etc which might cost about INR 900-1200/year.2. Website Hosting Cost
The cost for Website hosting anywhere around India ranges from INR 5000 to 10,000/- with shared hosting services.If you want your professional website to get hosted on VPS then it may cost from INR 40,000 to 100,000/- per annum depending on the used configuration and provided server platform.
With heavy traffic you can host your web application for specified dedicated servers which can cost you from INR 150,000 to 400,000/- again depending on configuration and server platform.
3. Web Designing Cost
A Good professional design may cost you around INR 10,000 to 60,000/- with a single site shared license. For an exclusive design, you require to spend about INR 100,000 to 300,000/- or even more.4. Customized CMS
To Build a custom CMS with a team of web developers or outsourcing to build a custom CMS generally costs you anywhere from INR 100,000 to 500,000/-.5. Copyright content Expense
On an average, you need to spend around INR 3000/page for a good and professional copyright content. It can vary depending upon the copywriter experience.6. SEO Service Packages
SEO techniques are important for your website to make it rank higher. The SEO Packages cost ranges anywhere between INR 20,000 to 45,000/-7. Site Searches
Addition of search pages and search index services into your website can be free if a free CMS is used or it may cost around INR 10,000 to 30,000/- per website which depends on the type of required search capability.8. Custom functionality
Adding a Customized feature adds more to the web building expense. Its vary according to your custom requirement9. Social Media Setup
This is Optional to take but Outsourcing social media management might cost you in the range of INR 5000 to 20,000/year.10. Responsive Web Pages
The responsiveness of web pages for every digital device or system is an important factor to be included in the web development expense system ranging from INR 3,000 to 5000/site for sites having 5-10 pages.11. Organized Navigation
The more visual elements in a website the more it costs. To get a desirable clean and consistent navigation structure your expense may range from INR 5,000 to 50,000/- depending on the nature complexities and simplicity involved.12. Cost of e-commerce extension
The catalog of product and services and shopping cart addition will cost extra in the range of INR 10,000 to 30,000/- and integration will cost extra from INR 10,000 to 60,000/-.13. Other website Costs
SSL Certificates - for security to your website, Professional Emails, Custom Logo design, Banner and Sliders, Icons and GIF images, Info-graphics,Premium fonts, Customized videos for youtube, Annual maintenance cost are some major expense that are required to make your website more reliable and attractive environment.14. Training Expense and User Guide
User manual training can be free depending on the CMS trainer or might ask for a desired fee.Sources of purchasing Website
- Website Builders- Free
- Freelance Developers - INR 15000-35000/-.
- CMS Software and Development Services- from INR 100,000/- to no upper limit
- Custom Website Developer- range from INR 70,000-250,000/-.
- Self hosted cost- free with full control over the service.
Conclusion - Cost of developing a website
In Navi Mumbai , exact cost is a debate as it varies according to the experience of the team and skillset. The main job of website is to pitch product and services to your targetted audience and make them purchase it. Website is useless untill it solves every problem of a business.
Now making website requires the best use of technology, user experience knowledge, contextual content, copy writing, physology and sales knowledge to make a best version of product which plays with buyers mind to make them purchase your product!!